12 May 2009
Dear Family,
I have a bit more time to write now, but as you all, not too much more to say. It was good to speak with you on Sunday, even if the 40 min. seemed to fly by in 5. The reason Mom that I didn´t call until 8:15 was because I got to the church, where the phone was, and found that the door was locked and the bishop wasn´t there. He arrived a little bit later than we expected, but it all worked out fine. And you´re right, my English isn´t too terrible, but I have another year yet to forget it. But when I do speak, I feel that I have a really heavy accent (not that I speak much differently than I did before, I just realize now when speaking with Latins the accent I´ve always had, saying things like “why´dja …” instead of “Why did you”).
And to answer the question I said I´d have to think about, I wish I had learn to chat with people better. I lack the ability to just talk about topics of their interest. I also still need to gain the ability to ask questions. I can talk just fine about science and music and school, but outside my own nerdy realm, I have difficulties. So, that is what I wish I had known before my mission. But it was alright anyways. I know enough, as spoken of in the conference in November. I have a testimony which the Spirit accompanies.
Yesterday, we went to the house of Viviana and Líonel, the couple that showed up out of nothing on Saturday. We went in and their apartment, although much smaller and cramped, reminded me of the apartment of some of the Dental students of our ward, especially of the Larsen´s (who I home taught). They was of dress and grooming and speaking makes me think that they are Mormons already.
Well, we went by and Viviana had written up a nice list of questions that she had, many of which were really good. She wanted to know how many commandments there were, who were the apostles in Christ´s time, who was Jehovah(in the Spanish Bible, every time it says the LORD in our scriptures, it says Jehovah), and the best question was “What is the function of the Holy Ghost?” While speaking about that we learned that she did pray to know and that she felt those feelings of coming close to crying. They are wonderful! There are very few people who will read everything and especially pray to ask God if our message is true after the first lesson. Líonel said he didn´t pray because he already knows it is true.
We continued answering questions about the temple and about tithing (which we taught and he wants to pay even before he is a member). We were saying a lot “And after you are batized, you will…” and after about the 3rd or 4th time of saying that, they on their own asked, “And when can we be baptized?” We said the 30th and they replied, “ok, we will be baptized the 30th then.” They have really been prepared by the Lord.
But, no baptism is that easy. We already know what will be their trial of faith. In their apartment they have a lot of alcohol as decoration, they kept offering us tea or coffee, and he works in a bar at night. We are planning on talking about the Word of Wisdom on Wednesday. But I know that with the help of the Lord, they will be able to make the necessary changes to live according to His gospel. I´m not too worried.
So, we have plans now for four people to be baptized on May 30. I hope that all will be able to progress to be ready for that date. Sara is progressing well. The only thing is that she is giving us a few problems about the same subject with which we´ve had problems with the Bishop before. She wants me to baptize her (E´Gonzalez if he could make it, but he´s too far away). She understands that the Bishop will make the decision. We´ll be passing by with different members throughout these next weeks (as well as with the Bihop) and I hope we´ll be able to avoid the same situation that we had before.
Oh, your announcement about Sister Whitfil reminded me of another set of good news. Vania will have a child! The news is recent, so I probably won´t see the child (unless my hope that Carlos will follow his wife as well, get baptized, and that the whole family will be sealed in a year), but I´m sure that everything will go well. Also with that family, Ludmila, the 3-yr old daughter of Romina, has been sick with bronchitis, so they asked us for a priesthood blessing (the second time in my life where I did the sealing). This morning went we went by to drop off our clothes to be washed (it is amazing how much they serve us), Ludmila was up and running about. She still had some of the coughs, but is doing a lot better. I hope your back gets better as well Dad.
And attatched is a photo of me and my companion as you wished.
I love you all,
Elder Drake Ranquist
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